Present Simple Tense in Hindi: परिभाषा, नियम, उदाहरण

Present Simple Tense in Hindi: परिभाषा, नियम, उदाहरण

टेंसेस की श्रेणी में सबसे पहले टेंस है प्रजेंट सिंपल टेंस जिसको हम प्रेजेंट इंडेफिनिटी टेंस भी कहते हैं यह टेंस सिर्फ कहने को ही सिंपल है रियलिटी में यह काफी कॉम्प्लिकेटेड है स्कूल में हमें यह काफी विस्तार से पढ़ाया जाता है पर बावजूद इसके बहुत सारे स्टूडेंट इस टेंस की संपूर्ण जानकारी नहीं रखते हैं क्योंकि उनको इसका अधूरा ज्ञान होता है

इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से हम प्रेजेंट सिंपल टेंस के हर एस्पेक्ट को छूने की कोशिश करेंगे ताकि हमारे ऑडियंस को इसका पूरा ज्ञान मिल सके

पहले बात करते हैं इसके फार्मूले की इस टेंस में सब्जेक्ट(Subject ) को ध्यान में रखते हुए वर्ब (Verb)के साथ एस(s) (s) या ईएस (es)ऐड हो जाता है

Subject + (Verb+s/es)+Object

मैं खाना बनाता हूं

जैसे की

मैं खाना बनाता हूं (I cook food)

वह खाना बनाता है (He cooks food)

He goes to the city (वह शहर जाता है)

They go to the city (वे शहर जाते हैं)

Ram plays golf (राम गोल्फ खेलता है)

Ram and Shyam play golf (राम और श्याम गोल्फ खेलते हैं)

Mona walks to college every weekday.(मोना हर सप्ताह पैदल चलकर कॉलेज जाती है।)

He eats high-calorie food items for breakfast.(वह नाश्ते में उच्च कैलोरी वाले खाद्य पदार्थ खाते हैं।)

They do not cook meals on weekends.(वे सप्ताहांत पर भोजन नहीं पकाते)

Monday comes before Tuesday.(सोमवार मंगलवार से पहले आता है)

My father drinks juice in the morning.(मेरे पापा सुबह जूस पीते हैं)

Some of my friends sleep during the day.(मेरे कुछ दोस्त दिन में सोते हैं।)

The library opens at 9 o’clock.(लाइब्रेरी 9 बजे खुलती है)

I drink milk before bed.(मैं सोने से पहले दूध पीता हूं)

The earth revolves on its axis.(पृथ्वी अपनी धुरी पर घूमती है)

He studies French every Wednesday.(वह हर बुधवार को फ्रेंच पढ़ता है)

Pigeons chirp in the morning.(सुबह कबूतर चहचहाते है )

The supermarket commences its operations at 9 a.m.(सुपरमार्केट सुबह 9 बजे अपना परिचालन शुरू करता है)

She performs bhangra on Sundays.(वह रविवार को भांगड़ा करती हैं)

We watch web series every weekend.(हम हर सप्ताहांत वेब सीरीज देखते हैं।)

He works as a professor.(वह एक प्रोफेसर के रूप में काम करता है)

They play golf after school.(वे स्कूल के बाद गोल्फ खेलते हैं)

I listen to podcasts while I work.(मैं काम करते समय पॉडकास्ट सुनता हूं)

अगर हमारा सब्जेक्ट(Subject ) आई (I) यू (You) या प्लुरल (Plural) है तो वर्ब (Verb)चेंज नहीं होगा पर अगर सब्जेक्ट(Subject ) हे(He) शे (She) आईटी(It) या सिंगुलर (Singular) है तो वर्ब (Verb) के साथ एस(s) या ईएस(es) लग जाएगा

Note: इस बात का हमें ध्यान रखना पड़ेगा कि यह जो एस और एस वाला रूल है यह प्रेजेंट सिंपल में वहीं पर लगेगी जहां पर हम रेगुलर एक्शन (Regular Action)और फैक्टस (Facts) की बात कर रहे हैं

यह जानकारी आपको बढ़िया से तब मैं समझ आएगी जब आप प्रेजेंट सिंपल टेंस कहां पर इस्तेमाल होता है उसका संपूर्ण ज्ञान प्राप्त कर लेंगे चलिए जानते हैं प्रेजेंट सिंपल टेंस का इस्तेमाल कहां-कहां होता है

1.रेगुलर एक्शन (Regular Action)

रेगुलर एक्शन का मतलब वह क्रिया है जो हम बार-बार करते हैं इसमें ज्यादा तीन चीज आती हैं पहले रूटिंनस (Routines) दूसरा हॉबीज(Hobbies)और तीसरा इंटरेस्टस (Interests)

रूटिंनस (Routines) का मतलब वह क्रिया जो कि हमारी जिंदगी का एक अटूट हिस्सा बन चुकी है जैसे सुबह कई लोग मॉर्निंग वॉक पर जाते हैं या हम नहाते हैं या हम ब्रश करते हैं नाश्ता करते हैं तो यह सब क्रियाएं हमारे रूटिंन का पारट होती है

Every day I go for a walk

He swims everyday

My mom visits dentist every month

हॉबीज(Hobbies) का मतलब है किसी काम में आपकी रुचि होना या उसे काम करने का आपको शौक होना इसमें काफी सारी क्रियाएं आती है जैसे की फोटोग्राफी (Photography), गाना गाना (Singing) नृत्य (Dancing) पेंटिंग (Painting)

Discussion in Present Simple Tense

At what time do you usually wake up?

I usually wake up at seven during school. I typically wake up at 7 when I have school; if it is a holiday, I would sleep till 8.

How do you get to school?

I get to school by auto taxi, provided by my school only.

What do you eat for breakfast?

I eat bread and jam for breakfast because I like light food, and I would eat heavy food for lunch.

What is your favourite subject in school?

My favourite subject is history because I like to study history. It is enjoyable to study history. There are exciting things which we can learn about history.

Do you play any sports?

I play football with my friends, and we also play many other games. We like to play together whenever we have free time.

What do you do after school?

Usually, after school, I would play with my friends near my house, and after that, I would do my homework and study for the next class. If you are using the word, you are talking about the past. It would help if you said after school, I play, or I. So, there is no need to use the word.

Where do you live?

I live in Kerala, in the Kannur district, which is lovely.

How often do you watch TV?

I watch at least half an hour and a maximum of three hours daily.

What is your favourite TV show?

My favourite TV show is comedy shows. I like comedy shows most and always watch comedy movies if I get one. I also watch comedy shows.

What kind of books do you like to read?

I like to read interesting books and have adventures in them. I have been reading that book for many months and want all of it. I suggest all of them to people.

How do you spend your weekends?

I spend my weekends with my family members. We usually go to restaurants or the beach to watch sunsets, return late, and enjoy the weekend.

Do you have any pets?

I have one dog. The name of the dog is Cutie. It is white, and its breed is Shih Tzu. It’s adorable, and it’s a puppy.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is pizza, which I eat whenever I get it. I like it very much because of its taste and also because of its shape.

How do you help your parents at home?

I help my parents at home by washing dishes cleaning houses, and I also help them fold clothes. What time do you go to bed? During school, I go to bed at 9.30, between 9.30 and 10.

If it is a weekend or a holiday, I would go to bed at 10.30.

What do you do in your free time?

I play football during my leisure time, and I like it because my friends also like it, so we play together.

Do you play any musical instruments?

I play the guitar and have been learning it for five months. I know it’s good.

How often do you visit your grandparents?

I visit my grandparents once weekly, and we have visited them twice this week. Once, there was a family gathering, and we went and met them at their house.

What inspires you to do your best in school?

My teachers and friends and the way they teach us inspired me to study well in school.

How do you handle stress during exams?

I handle stress during my exams by listening to music. Music relieves anxiety, and I like hearing music.

Why do you think learning history is important?

We have to know about the things that were done before birth, and studying history would be beneficial because we would know what happened. It’s also interesting to learn history.

What role do your friends play in your life?

My friends are significant in my life because they support me in everything, and all my friends are excellent.

How do you stay motivated to complete your homework?

I stay motivated to complete my homework by the lesson only because when I watch this, I see the lesson, the text, and everything is elegant. I also like how they teach us, so it’s interesting to do our homework, and I get motivated by the teaching skills.

How do you choose the books you read?

I prefer books if I buy the ones I want. I look for adventure and excitement. I also ask my friends whether they have read them. If they give me a good review, I buy the book and start reading.

What do you think makes a good friend?

The behaviour and how they behave to everyone, whether they are good at studies, and whether they are not good at studies, that’s also okay, but all other qualities would be good at them.

How do you balance school work with extracurricular activities?

I balance school work and extracurricular activities by doing my school work on weekdays and my extracurricular activities on weekends.

What makes you laugh the most?

My friends make me laugh the most because they tell excellent comedies, are very funny, and I like them.

How do you deal with problems among friends?

Usually, I don’t have any problems with friends because I like to be good with them, and I wouldn’t say I like to cause issues with them. If I have a problem, I solve it as fast as possible because I would want them in other cases also, so I solve it as fast as possible, and I go and say sorry to them if I am the wrong person.

Why do you think some people find math difficult?

I guess they find math difficult because the sums are a little bit complicated. If we study the math subject very well or understand it and study, it would be easy, but if we don’t understand and then try to do the math sums, it would be hard. We are not able to do the problem well.

What do you appreciate most about your family?

I understand them. I know everything about my family because they are good at everything and stay together. If you ask about a particular thing, I would appreciate them staying together because they would stay together with everyone in a bad and good situation. Also, everyone in our family is like that only.

How do you set and achieve personal goals?

I first make a chart that leads me to the goal, and I should be very disciplined and focused on achieving it, so I would try my best to achieve that goal and be disciplined and concentrated.

What qualities do you admire in a leader?

First of all, a leader should have leadership qualities. If a member of that organization, a member of a club, or something is fighting or not agreeing with what the leader says they have, they should have a quality to make them say yes to them. They should be a good leader and not be rude to their members; they should be polite to everyone.

How do you deal with disappointment?

If I am disappointed by someone, I will not tell them anything because I am disappointed.

What do you think is the most important invention of all time?

The most important invention of all time? There are many things that are most important, and every single thing that was invented is essential in our day-to-day lives. I think it’s the bulb because if the bulb was there, the world would be covered in darkness, and no one would be able to see anything. It would be hard to walk, and we wouldn’t be able to study. I think the bulb is the most significant invention made in the world.

How do you show respect to others?

I show respect to others by treating them well, and I call them. I don’t call them by their name; I would call them sir or ma’am, older than me. I would call them uncle or aunt, and I would show respect by my side as much as possible as I could, and I will also try to tell I will also try to make others respect elders and all.

What do you think is the key to happiness?

I think the key to happiness is our family because they make us happy whenever we are sad. I think you won’t be happy if they won’t be there. We would be alone, just sitting alone, and we would be sad and wouldn’t be able to do anything.